​Detailed explanation of the working principle and application of coalescing separator

​Detailed explanation of the working principle and application of coalescing separator

Detailed explanation of the working principle and application of coalescing separator

Product structure and working principle:

The coalescing separator is mainly designed for liquid-liquid separation. It contains two types of filter elements, namely a coalescing filter element and a separation filter element. It is also equipped with accessories such as a drain valve, a drain valve, 

a differential pressure gauge, a safety valve, and a heat tracing device.


In the oil water removal system, after the oil flows into the coalescing separator, it first flows through the coalescing filter element to filter out solid impurities, and coalesces very small water droplets into larger water droplets. Most of the coalesced The water droplets can be separated from the oil by their own weight and settle into the water collection tank. Then the oil flows through the separation filter element. Since the separation filter element has good lipophilic and hydrophobic properties, the water is further separated. Finally, the clean and water-free oil flows out of the coalescing separator.image

Coalescing separators are suitable for aviation fuel, gasoline, kerosene, diesel, etc., liquefied petroleum gas, low-viscosity hydraulic lubricating oil, turbine oil, etc., airports, oil depots, city gas, mine gas, liquefied petroleum gas and other fields.


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